Sunday, August 31, 2008


So. The Mafiagang mailing list turned a year old last month, and still going strong. I've been ignoring my blog(s) for more than half a year. And really, I have to admit that the two statements are kinda connected. That, and I just finished the hectic P&G project that I've been working on since december. Feels good, really!

I guess I don't like the blog model of information sharing. I'm much more into the forum/mailing list thing. More robust discussion instead of just comments, better topic structure, everything goes into just one place (instead of a separate page for every writer). Yeah, I know what google reader is. It's an admission that blogs are structually unsound.


Anyway, I'm not writing to be negative, or even to recruit for Mafiagang (although new members are always welcome :D). It's because there's a lot of stuff I'd like to record for posterity. Not in the sense that it's something I need to share with others, but because it would be nice to have some stuff that I can look at with a smile, one or two years down the line. Kinda like a journal. Hm, that's probably a better way to look at it.

This is not a good post. I don't have a subject, I'm rambling aimlessly and I don't even have any pictures. But it signifies an intent to start posting again, so there we go.

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